Jacqueline Le Sueur
I am Jacqueline Le Sueur. I founded Inspirational Alchemy in 2000. Through engaging, encouraging and empathetic coaching & mentoring I specialise in inspiring people to believe in possibility - be that finding a way to live positively with a life-changing event, overcoming barriers to success, developing resilience in an ever-changing world, or navigating illness in order to find wellness.
Why do I work from the foundation of igniting belief in possibility?
Because through lived experience I have learnt that if I want to get through challenging times or optimise my potential in any given situation I first have to believe in my ability to do so. I have to believe in possibility. Over more than 3 decades of coaching, mentoring and running workshops in the UK and around the world I have witnessed this to be true of us all, no matter who we are or the situation we are facing.
Believing in possibility opens the door to what could be. It provides that first stepping stone on the path of change.
The outcome of this approach?
A belief in yourself and the acceptance that you are enough, that you have what it takes, that you can do it. In turn this becomes the foundation on which we can work together to clarify what you want to achieve, and from here build an achievable action plan to help you move yourself forwards using strategies and techniques I will share along the way.
This is your journey. You are in charge. You make it happen. I would love to be your guide.
More about me
I have been fortunate to develop & hone my skills & competencies in a variety of fields, from diamond trading to book distribution to large scale finance projects, luxury spa & wellness development, and complementary medicine. Alongside this I have 20 years experience in personal & corporate wellbeing gained not just in the country of my birth but also through living and working in Africa & across Asia.
Most importantly, my journey with my own health since the late 1980's provides me me with lived experience of the challenges faced when the world gets turned on its head by a life-changing event or diagnosis, pain becomes almost too much to bear or obstacles come in the way of achieving potential due to illness, disability or discrimination.
What I have learned along the way:
Wellbeing & mental health:
I’ve been through my own life crises and come out of the other side of these with a healthy respect for personal mortality, the importance of taking care of all aspects of our wellbeing & the benefit of 'owning' what happens in our lives, no matter what that is. I know the power of believing in possibility as it is what keeps me going everyday. This drives me to help people who want to take responsibility for their wellness, as well as those who want to come shining through change. I am passionate about supporting those with disabilities or facing mental health challenges, & reducing the stigma attached to this, most especially in the work place - I became a certified Mental Health First Aider in 2020 to support this mission.
Inspiration & optimising potential:
I’ve engaged with people from all over the world through my work, & with my conference talks & workshops on wellbeing, the environment & believing in possibility. I've published over 60 articles in international consumer & professional magazines specialising in health, wellness, travel & inspiration. I've been fortunate to give a TEDx talk and had the privilege to speak with His Holiness the Karmapa at a TEDGlobal event. Igniting belief in possibility is at the heart of what I do - it is what makes me get out of bed every morning and I would love to share the benefits of this approach with you.
BQ, DQ & EQ:
Through working in people development - on a one-to-one basis or with teams - I have learnt I am a learner as much as I am a coach, mentor & trainer. While I remain closely connected with Gen-Z, I’m a “modern elder” with with many years of life & professional experience behind me - which is why I’m empowered and capable of collaborating with people from all walks of life to help you identify your personal & professional goals, and to work alongside you as you progress along your chosen paths.
Inclusivity & diversity:
I am fortunate to have worked with some of the poorest on Earth as well as with the extremely rich & privileged . However you view your situation I will likely have seen something similar before and be able to provide you with support on your own unique path of change.
Cultural experience:
I’ve lived in four distinct cultures and worked in almost 20 countries - I provide insights on cultural differences & expectations from a personally lived perspective and can weave this into your coaching if required.
Giving back:
I co-founded the Asia Pacific Spa & Wellness Coalition (APSWC) in 2006 and remained a board member for 5 years. The APSWC still supports professional associations in 17 countries, representing approximately 250,000 employees, with pro-bono training and business advice with the aim of empowering local people, enabling them to overcome discrimination & lack of opportunity. I was also a volunteer ranger with the National Trust in England for several years, publishing over 20 walks & learning to manage & take care of our countryside.
The skills I use to help you:
authentic: being kind, caring and genuine whist remaining ‘real’
simplicity: making it as uncomplicated as possible for you to access coaching
approachable: building rapport from our first contact
empowering: ensuring you know you are in charge of your coaching journey
collaborative: being here to guide and support you, not to take over and ‘do’.
understanding: using open questions, active listening & reflection to discover your real needs
empathic: coaching in a heartfelt way, built on lived experience
enabling: keeping a positive outlook whilst supporting you to to identify and draw on your strengths
guiding: supporting you through growth & change
cheerleading: objectively seeing the best in you when you can't see it yourself